Do you love watching online videos?

  • 8 July 2019
  • 4 kommenttia
  • 4556 katselukerrat

Great! We would like to invite you to show and tell us through photos, videos, audio, drawings - you name it - what you watch, using a messaging app of your choice for 10 days. Your responses will help us improve our services for you.

The study will run between 19 - 28.07.19 and you can do it at home, on holidays or wherever you are. We will also have two meetings within the Helsinki region or Tampere.

If you would like to participate, please fill in this form by 15.07.2019:

Feel free to send us any questions! Talk to you soon,

Viet Ba and Marion
Elisa Viihde Service Designers

Contact information
vietba.hirvola [at]
050 472 7249

marion.boberg [at]
050 482 0899

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4 kommenttia

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +5

Is this thing only for English people?

Can we send our names if we're interested, but indeed not so well in English? What do we get from this survey? Do you pay some gift cards for people who attend these things. I mean many could do, and I did for sure to S-ryhmä, and they paid next day with €50 S-Ryhmä card for my shopping needs just so I sat with them to talk for two hours straight about Omat ostot service. Some more info is needed, for who this is and how our time is compensated?

I do watch a lot of videos, but right now I have no time for that, like really no time. Can I still count to this, if I only watch YouTube like few times a week, and I have little else to watch. No Netflix, no Viaplay, no something like this. My last Elisa Viihde journey ended in 2015, so I have no clue about it today, I just listen music and travel on the bus. Do you have certain criteria for selection people, or I am like useless for these polls with casual YouTube only.

And when you ask about YouTube usage, how does it exactly improve your service?

Kind regards and thanks for your answer.

Now playing Wasted Penguinz - Crea Diem (Original Mix).

Very good questions and thank you for your comment. 😊

The study is not limited to English people - Finnish customers are very welcome to participate! Some study materials are in English so communicative English is okay. 🙂

The study will increase our understanding of what, why and how people watch videos, which will help us improve the watching experience in our services. Participants do not need to be Elisa Viihde users, as we would like to gain a broader view on video watching, thus including examples of other video services. The main criteria is that we are looking for people actively using - ideally multiple - video streaming services.

There is no monetary incentive as the form of the study needs enthusiasm which should be the main drive to participate. 😊

Best regards and have a lovely day!
Käyttäjätaso 2

The form has an error:
Question "If you have used Elisa Viihde, what programs did you like to watch in it?", is expecting an email address.
Thank you for informing us!
The issue was reported and should be fixed shortly. 😊 Sorry for the inconvenience!