OmaYhteisö Community House Rules

  • 12 March 2020
  • 0 kommenttia
  • 3407 katselukerrat

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +12
  • OmaYhteisön yhteisömanageri
  • 2142 kommenttia

Welcome to OmaYhteisö Community! If you’re looking for a place to talk to other Elisa's customers and staff members about our products, services, tips and info, you’ve come to the right place. OmaYhteisö is a place for everyone and it's really important to us that we all feel welcome! 

In OmaYhteisö, both the community members and Elisa’s employees can have active discussions and help with problems. Conversations are moderated by the OmaYhteisö team. 

Before you start, please read our Community House rules:



1.Keep it private and do not share personal data

OmaYhteisö is an open space and anyone can join, so please be careful about your personal information. Don't post any account numbers or email addresses to the forum threads. You can store your customer number and email to your personal information, that's only visible to our staff members.


2.No spam
OmaYhteisö is about customers helping each other out, not for promotion. Please don’t post any advertising, spam, junk mail, chain letters or any other kind of solicitation.



OmaYhteisö is a meeting place where everyone can give and get help. So let’s be nice to each other! We don’t use rude language, speak disrespectfully of others or behave inappropriately in general. 

This is a place for relaxed conversation and mutual support – all in good spirit! We don't judge, criticize or bad-mouth anyone.Treat everyone well, don't try to be mean. You can ask for help, try to help others or just chat.

Messages that have nothing to do with OmaYhteisö’s topics or contain personal insults, inappropriate photos, videos or other such, may be deleted without warning.


4.OmaYhteisö-tiimi is here for you!

If you spot a post that is against the rules, don’t respond to it. Just click the “Ilmoita asiattomasta viestistä”-link on the bottom right corner of the post and our moderators will check the situation as soon as possible. Moderators can edit messages afterwards or even delete messages. Moderators can delete messages with inappropriate content, personal insults or other content that breaches the rules of OmaYhteisö without warning.

Compliance with our rules is supervised by OmaYhteisö moderators and any violation of these rules can lead to a warning. If the users keeps on behaving improperly, this can lead to a permanent ban. Purposefully bending the rules and scamming may lead to permanent ban without prior warning. OmaYhteisö moderators are Elisa employees.

The rules of the community can be updated as necessary. By registering as an OmaYhteisö member, you accept the general terms and conditions of its use.

The rules have been published on the 12th of March 2020 and they replace the previous rules.

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