Huawei have released a OTA software update for the B315s-22, version 21.313.03.00.983. After you install this update LTEwatch will no longer retrieve signal information from the router. Do not update if you use LTEwatch and want this information available.
Now I need help to see if I can downgrade my router. The first step is to find what the last working software version is (I did not have a chance to note it down). Can B315s-22 users of LTEwatch tell me the software version of there off the shelf (not provided by network operator) B315s-22. You can find it if you log into the router under the settings/system/device information.
Once I know this hopefully I can download it and downgrade the router.
Sivu 1 / 2
I have now found the B315s-22 last working software version with LTEwatch is 21.311.03.00.983. I guess I have to call them tomorrow because I cannot seem to find a place where I can download this software to try and manually downgrade.
Looks like the problem was first reported in other regions well over a month ago but they are still continueing to roll out the update. Shame on Huawei!
Looks like the problem was first reported in other regions well over a month ago but they are still continueing to roll out the update. Shame on Huawei!
Have spoke to Huawei and they have informed me this has been an operator update (Elisa). I find that really strange given my router was not from Elisa and brought over the counter in a shop (jimms PC store).
How can I get the previous version of the software and where can I report this problem?
How can I get the previous version of the software and where can I report this problem?
Spoken to Elisa now, Its really crazy the Elisa had the right to update my router given it was not purchased from them and was not locked to a network. Elisa support have now opened a ticket and are going to investigate and get back to me.
The other thing this update did was force the preferred network mode back to auto if you had it set to 4G.
The other thing this update did was force the preferred network mode back to auto if you had it set to 4G.
Now I have had more time to test I can now also confirm this software update also breaks the routers signal strengh indicator on the main router front page (green) and the smaller blue indicator in the top right of the screen.
The software is well and truely broken.
The software is well and truely broken.
Found your ticket and we will respond to you as soon as possible. Sounds strange for sure. From what I know there usually is no way to downgrade firmware in mobile routers at least not from our end. It's fairly common for firmware update to set some settings to default like preferred network which is normally auto and not 4G only, could be a bug too though.
Even after a successful upgrade, you can easily restore software to the previous version. Simply hold the WPS and Power buttons for a seamless rollback.Thats how you can do it with b315
Razoola1, can you check Veccu's tip if it works? Not sure if I understand this right from what you wrote but with checking from internet firmware 21.313.03.00.983 is not in anyway just Elisa firmware more like general firmware. Our firmwares usually have totally different numbering. Maybe they meant with "Elisa update" OTA update for Nordic/Finnish devices. Eventhouh Elisa is big operator here I dont see why you wouldnt get same update with any operator.
Veccu's suggestion does not work, I am not sure where he heard that idea from either, I did a quick search and it seems that is more related to unlocking operator locked routers (which mine is not).
Indeed it is a general firmware and it comes with preset Elisa settings, The situation is Huawei have told me my operator (Elisa) pushed it to my router because as a company Huawei do not push updates regionally or worldwideto routers (at least that is what they have told me so far).
What I really need is the previous firmware version to hopefully fix my problem which is 21.311.03.00.983. Some one somewhere must have it.
Indeed it is a general firmware and it comes with preset Elisa settings, The situation is Huawei have told me my operator (Elisa) pushed it to my router because as a company Huawei do not push updates regionally or worldwideto routers (at least that is what they have told me so far).
What I really need is the previous firmware version to hopefully fix my problem which is 21.311.03.00.983. Some one somewhere must have it.
I read it in huawei site
And i have this same firmware in my b315 i think two months now,and it works well,no problem at all.LTEwatch stop working,nothing else.
Yesterday i found ,DNA did release firmware (you can download that) but it doesnt do anything in my b315.I have operator free model.
Yesterday i found ,DNA did release firmware (you can download that) but it doesnt do anything in my b315.I have operator free model.
I need LTEwatch usage and that is the problem for me with the new firmware. The roll back defo does not work and I am surprised Huawei never suggested it when I called them first. I guess they probably removed that feature.
Do you have URL for DNA firmware, I'm intrested in its version number.
Do you have URL for DNA firmware, I'm intrested in its version number.
but this doesnt do anything,atleast my must be some dna brand thing :)
when i try to update,it takes couple minutes and then update fails 😞
but this doesnt do anything,atleast my must be some dna brand thing :)
when i try to update,it takes couple minutes and then update fails 😞
its version 21.316.01.01.182
That does look like a newer firmware revision (316 vs the 313 we have) but like you say its not for our 983 versions so it would fail. Maybe this 316 has the signal issue fixed. At the moment though I would rather go back to 311 than wait.
We now checked our firmwares and that is not Elisa's regular firmware or even new one that is in development. We also asked Huawei why they mentioned Elisa, maybe you told you were using Elisa connection? Will see what they answer, but probably not getting any wiser with their answer....but yeah you should get general updates if device not bought from Elisa.
Huawei also confirmed they have opened OTA updates for "open market users" and this update has nothing to do with Elisa or our own router updates. They also asked for feedback where did you get information that this firmware (21.313.03.00.983) update is Elisa version? Was it Huawei hotline or some service partner of theirs? How did it go?
I called the Huawei support service line (09 23 13 89 98) that then gave me an email address to their support staff who are also dealing with it. The support staff on the phone and email responces suggested only the operators do OTA updates. I have told them what you have said previously and they have emailed me to say they are looking and will report back once they here something. I guess Huawei forgot to memo their customer facing staff they are doing OTA updates from what they have told you now.
Hopefully they have tied your contact with them to my contact with them but if not I guess I can give them the link to this thread. if they still say something different.
Hopefully they have tied your contact with them to my contact with them but if not I guess I can give them the link to this thread. if they still say something different.
Ok, I forwarded your story to our guys who are chatting with Huawei. This is as I noted earlier purely for feedback to Huawei.
Any news about this issue? I have similar situation as Razoola1, after updating B315s-22, cannot get signal etc information from LTEWatch... :(
Has anyone found solution to downgrade router?
Has anyone found solution to downgrade router?
There is a solution to downgrade I followed. I will post info over weekend once Im home.
Good to know, keep us posted :S
Ok.... Here goes...
After a little effort I finally managed to get Huawei to give out the previous firmware (they seemed to be against for some time or could not find it). The link to the previous firmware (21.311.03.00.983) is;
Now for the downgrading. I would suggest you first try to downgrade by simply selecting the firmware above through the webUI update page. I am quite sure this will not work given what I have heard but its worth a try first. I personally used a different method (explained below) given I found an even earlier firmware on the net (21.300.03.00.983) before Huawei released the firmware above a couple of days ago.
Now for the force downgrade method incase above does not work. You will need three pieces of software; ‘E5186 Toolbox’, ‘B593s-22_Multicast_upgrade_tool’ and a telnet client (I used putty). I will not supply these softwares but google is your friend.
The process involves using the E186 toolbox to put the router into a mode where it accepts a telnet connection. Then giving a couple of telnet commands to the router and finally using the multicast tools to update the firmware.
I basically followed this video from the start up until around the 6:15 mark. In my case the end of the multicast update part (where the router shows progress with the signal leds), my router did not reboot itsself like the video appears to show so. I simply let the multicast tool run about another 10 minutes (while the router indicator was green) until I finally rebooted manually after stopping the upgrade tool.
Please let me know how you get on.
After a little effort I finally managed to get Huawei to give out the previous firmware (they seemed to be against for some time or could not find it). The link to the previous firmware (21.311.03.00.983) is;
Now for the downgrading. I would suggest you first try to downgrade by simply selecting the firmware above through the webUI update page. I am quite sure this will not work given what I have heard but its worth a try first. I personally used a different method (explained below) given I found an even earlier firmware on the net (21.300.03.00.983) before Huawei released the firmware above a couple of days ago.
Now for the force downgrade method incase above does not work. You will need three pieces of software; ‘E5186 Toolbox’, ‘B593s-22_Multicast_upgrade_tool’ and a telnet client (I used putty). I will not supply these softwares but google is your friend.
The process involves using the E186 toolbox to put the router into a mode where it accepts a telnet connection. Then giving a couple of telnet commands to the router and finally using the multicast tools to update the firmware.
I basically followed this video from the start up until around the 6:15 mark. In my case the end of the multicast update part (where the router shows progress with the signal leds), my router did not reboot itsself like the video appears to show so. I simply let the multicast tool run about another 10 minutes (while the router indicator was green) until I finally rebooted manually after stopping the upgrade tool.
Please let me know how you get on.
Ohh, I forgot to say... One thing that might not be clear in the video is your PC needs to be connected to the router via LAN (not wireless) and must have a fixed IP address and not an IP address obtained via DCHP.
Hi, thanks for instructions. I tried to downgrade with that file through WebUI, but as it was though, it failed :(
I bricked my previous B593s-22 when tried to modify its firmware with multicast upgrade tool...., so I´m not sure if I want to try that again.. 😉
I bricked my previous B593s-22 when tried to modify its firmware with multicast upgrade tool...., so I´m not sure if I want to try that again.. 😉
Good news.
Recently Elisa made new firmware and now LTEWatch works like before "bad" firmware.
Recently Elisa made new firmware and now LTEWatch works like before "bad" firmware.
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