No internet connection

  • 23 May 2021
  • 3 kommenttia
  • 337 katselukerrat

Hi, about 2 weeks ago I bought a 4g package of unlimited internet, unfortunately it has stopped working about 2 days ago.  Although the LTE icon is showing on my phone, when I open the browser, it shows "no internet connection" at the top.  I also noticed that in recent days it was eating a few cents from time to time while surfing the internet.  Now I only have 2 cents left, but on the website it is clearly written that I am running out of unlimited internet on 6/9/21.  

What is going on?

So is it unlimited or no?


it is worth adding that I am currently using the Internet abroad in a Baltic country and so far I have used 23 gb

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3 kommenttia

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +21

Which package do you actully have?

Only the combined voice, messages and internet package Rajoitukseton 4G has unlimited roaming in the Nordic and the Baltic countries. Mind you that acceptable use policy for the Nordic and the Baltic countries is 50 GB per package. Exceeding data transfer will be speed capped to 0,5 Mbit/s.

The name Rajoitukseton 4G, “the unlimited 4G”, is based on internet use only. Calling is limited to 165 minutes/day and 5000 minutes per package. Sms and mms are limited to 165 messages/day and 5000 messages per package.

If you have the internet only package Nettikuukausi 4G, “the network month 4G”, it will cover internet use only in Finland. In other EU&EEA countries this package has just 6 GB of data transfer. Any additional data transfer will be charged 3.72 €/GB.

I have choosen this one:

"Unlimited 4G

Incl. unlimited Internet (max. 100 Mbit/s.) in Finland, Nordic and Baltic countries. Incl. also normal calls/messages (max. 165 minutes/messages/day and 5000 minutes/messages/month) in Finland and EU/EEA countries for a one month.",

And Unlimited 4G package expires: 09.06.2021

theoretically, I still have 27GB left. 

So what's going on?

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +21

If you are located close to Russian or Polish border, have you checked that your device has not switched to a network outside of the Baltics? Unlimited 4G package is unlimited only in Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.

While roaming in Poland Unlimited 4G package covers 9 GB of data transfer, exceeding data is charged 3.72 €/GB.
While roaming in Russia any packets do not apply and the data transfer costs 153 €/GB.
Saunalahti Prepaid and Saunalahti Latausliittymä will not work at all in Belarus.

If your device is connected to an Estonian, Latvian or Lithuanian network and your Unlimited 4G package still does not work, you have to contact Elisa customer service about this problem.

Out of the means listed above OmaElisa portal and app do not apply for prepaid users. You can still contact Elisa customer service: