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Unable to get port forwarding to work for ZTE MC801A

Good afternoon,


I ordered a public IP with my Saunalahti Mobiililaajakaista 5G 600M package, changed the APN setting and restarted the device. I have a public facing IP, as I’m able to see the router login on the 80 port via an address.


I tried setting up a port forward for a (random) port 722 to access an internal SSH service on a local machine the local machine’s SSH is accessible from another machine on port 722.

I set up a basic port forwarding rule in the router and also tried to enable port filtering.

Neither are working. 

I went to and checked and the port seems to be visible (or at least not blocked). Is there something major, I’m missing here?

11 kommenttia

Käyttäjätaso 6
Kunniamerkki +15

Hello @jccabron and Welcome to OmaYhteisö!

Did you make sure that local machine’s firewall allows SSH requests which are coming from external network?

Hey Snouppi. Yes of course. I connected from a different machine to that port, and everything works fine.

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +22

You are not the only one, who has problems with ZTE mc801a routing capabilities. I have seen similar complaints on this forum before.

If you have a spare router laying around, maybe you should reconfigure the ZTE mc801a to bridge mode and use an external router between the ZTE mc801a and your local area network?

Please note that the ZTE mc801a can acquire only one ip address from the mobile network at any time. Thus, in briged mode you can connect only one device, typically a router, to ZTE mc801a.

Ok so I’m basically paying hundreds of Euros for a device suggested by Elisa, that doesn’t work as intended? 

Käyttäjätaso 5
Kunniamerkki +9

I am not familiar with the device, but you could contact ZTE Customer Service about this issue. If they could help you with this problem? 🤔



Koska en osaa kirjoittaa hyvää suomea, apology for writing in English. 

Currently I have a ZTE-MC801A, with firmware MC801A_Elisa3_B19.

I have encountered 2 problems with the ZTE-MC801A so far, 3 days into the subscription. 1st one is port forwarding. Even though I have the public IP address (julkinen IP-osoite), the port forward does not work.

I have tested with port 22, 80, 443. Accessing my public IP address on a webpage lands me on the ZTE router management page, instead of the LAN IP where the actual webpage is hosted.

I see in the forum that ZTE-MC801A just doesn’t do port forwarding right. The post suggested that bridge mode is the way to go. That’s fine, I can setup bridge mode.


The problem is the bridge mode speed. I would get 400 Mbps for about 15 minutes, then the speed drops to 80 Mbps. At first I thought this is some problem with the 5G connection. But I change back the modem to wireless broadband mode, and the wifi will get a solid 400 mbps while the access point (Deco) connected to the ethernet port only get 80mbps.


Has anybody get similar result? How do you even solve these problem? Are the ZTE firmware just faulty?



EDIT 2.11.2023 // moved from here to an already existing thread about the same topic 


Käyttäjätaso 6
Kunniamerkki +15

Is public IP address working currently normally otherwise? We have some cases in OmaYhteisö where public IP address didn’t work as planned, so we had to do few changes for it. I assume you have made profile changes for the ZTE router and changed APN to internet4. If you can check from here if that public IP is working normally. When everything works, you should see Hostname and IP without NAT text.

If you see NAT although you have configured everything → Please place your customer number in OmaYhteisö profile non-public section, so we can take a look this issue further.

For the second part, did I understand correctly that you have placed ethernet cable between ZTE and Deco? Have you made sure that cable is Cat5e or Cat6? Also, welcome to OmaYhteisö @DerpiesD! 🙏



EDIT 2.11.2023 // moved from here to an already existing thread about the same topic 


Hey, thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately I got this omnious message from my main router today: "Abnormal WAN port speed". I guess it's kinda mean that the ZTE router is not doing its job.

I called the helpline, report the fault, explained the technical details to the very helpful technician. Alas, I guess it isnt meant to be.

I will probably return the ZTE and switch to the Huawei modem.



EDIT 2.11.2023 // moved from here to an already existing thread about the same topic 


 This is how the error looks, by the way. Ethernet cable is 6, so I guess it's the router. :(



EDIT 2.11.2023 // moved from here to an already existing thread about the same topic 


Käyttäjätaso 6
Kunniamerkki +15

What type of Deco you are using currently, M4, M5 or something else? 🤔



EDIT 2.11.2023 // moved from here to an already existing thread about the same topic 


Hey, thanks for the reply.

Unfortunately I got this omnious message from my main router today: "Abnormal WAN port speed". I guess it's kinda mean that the ZTE router is not doing its job.

I called the helpline, report the fault, explained the technical details to the very helpful technician. Alas, I guess it isnt meant to be.

I will probably return the ZTE and switch to the Huawei modem.



EDIT 2.11.2023 // moved from here to an already existing thread about the same topic 


Oh crap, this is exactly what I am doing. I setup public IP, saw it change, confirmed everything is OK. Setup port forwarding and went nuclear option with DMZ to my local linux box and still just ZTE management web server 😅 I was thinking of exactly same thing, get a small router to handle DHCP+Wifi for local network and have actually good software even with some firewall capabilities in it but alas now I am scared if the bridge mode is wack.

Thanks for the info, I guess I gotta get a router and just go for it and see how it goes. I will definitely NOT get a Huawei modem :E

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