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Accidentally broken a newly bought laptop

  • 29 February 2020
  • 3 kommenttia
  • 3688 katselukerrat

Can someone help me please? I don’t know what to do, I bought online a new laptop from Elisa. It was just a month old and an accident happened. Our pet accidentally dragged the laptop wire and my laptop fell to the floor and the side screen cracked open but it is still functioning, luckily. I was looking for ways on how to solve this. I cannot find anything about the cover of insurances on Elisa website. So I’m asking in this forum. It says that I have 2 years warranty, but is the insurance covering the broken screen which is totally an accident? and what do I need to do? I’m new here and don’t have any idea on how to handle these kind of problems. So, please any help will do. Thanks!

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3 kommenttia

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +22

Warranty covers only manufacturing defects. It does not cover user actions.

If you bought an additional insurance for your laptop at the same time, it would cover accidents. However, I am unsure if Elisa sells insurance for laptops. They do for phones and tablets, though. Lisäturva mobiililaitteille: SquareTrade Laiteturva.

If you do not have a per device insurance for your laptop, do you still have domestic insurance, kotivakuutus? If you have, ask your domestic insurance company if these kind of accidents are covered by it. Domestic insurances have typically quite high own risk, though, so it might cover only pennies of a screen replacement cost.

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +21

Can someone help me please? I don’t know what to do, I bought online a new laptop from Elisa. It was just a month old and an accident happened. Our pet accidentally dragged the laptop wire and my laptop fell to the floor and the side screen cracked open but it is still functioning, luckily. I was looking for ways on how to solve this. I cannot find anything about the cover of insurances on Elisa website. So I’m asking in this forum. It says that I have 2 years warranty, but is the insurance covering the broken screen which is totally an accident? and what do I need to do? I’m new here and don’t have any idea on how to handle these kind of problems. So, please any help will do. Thanks!


Hi @Nirvana and welcome to OmaYhteisö!


Unfortunately we have no extra insurances for laptops - SquareTrade only covers tablets and mobile phones. Manufacturer’s warranty unfortunately does not cover mechanical faults such as physically broken screens. :( I recommend contacting a repair service recommended by the manufacturer for an estimation on how much the repair would cost.

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +26

If you do not have a per device insurance for your laptop, do you still have domestic insurance, kotivakuutus? If you have, ask your domestic insurance company if these kind of accidents are covered by it. Domestic insurances have typically quite high own risk, though, so it might cover only pennies of a screen replacement cost.


Domestic / home insurance usually does not cover pet damage. If you contact your insurance company, tell them you stumbled upon the charger cable. :wink: