Paid invoices

  • 17 November 2022
  • 1 kommentti
  • 35 katselukerrat


I want to inform that i made 2 payments for invoices! Can i get back my internet subscription please!


EDIT 17.11.2022 // edited the image to hide sensitive personal information -draakki

1 kommentti

Käyttäjätaso 7
Kunniamerkki +13

Hello @Palaps and welcome to OmaYhteisö forum! 😊 

I edited your message’s image of the payment receipt to hide sensitive personal information, just in case. This is a public forum and not a customer service channel, so it’s best to not post your private information publicly here. 🙂 

You can get help with invoices and re-opening a closed contract from our customer care, our phone services are open from Monday to Friday 8 am - 6 pm, and by booking a call time from Monday to Friday 8.30 am - 8 pm. You can book a callback appointment here. During evenings and weekends you can also get timely customer care service from our chat in OmaElisa, or in our social media channels Facebook and Twitter. 😊 

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