
How do I find the public IP address for my broadband?

  • 30 December 2020
  • 2 kommenttia
  • 618 katselukerrat

I have a subscription of the public IP address. However I am unable to find the fixed public IP? I am using Huawei 3372 LTE USB dongle.


Vastauksen tähän kysymykseen jakoi Sokrates 30 December 2020, 14:50

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2 kommenttia

Käyttäjätaso 7

I have a subscription of the public IP address. However I am unable to find the fixed public IP? I am using Huawei 3372 LTE USB dongle.

Elisa has no fixed public IP service for consumers. Elisa has a dynamic public IP service. Create a new connection profile for your dongle and set APN = internet4 and activate the profile.

Käyttäjätaso 3

And check your EXTERNAL IP with for example



(it won’t tell you what kind of address it is (Fixed, dynamic or NATed))